
It's a Medium Display
Featuring Inflatables
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Display at 27 Col Brown Avenue, Clinton, Queensland, 4680

Bright and colorful. Each year we add a little to it - this year there a colorful koala and I like to recycle old lights. I have updated the old deer frame with led lights.
In the past we received Christmas cards from children who enjoyed our light display, and that's all I need to it again.

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It's a Medium Display
Featuring Inflatables
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Display at 27 Col Brown Avenue, Clinton, Queensland, 4680

Bright and colorful. Each year we add a little to it - this year there a colorful koala and I like to recycle old lights. I have updated the old deer frame with led lights.
In the past we received Christmas cards from children who enjoyed our light display, and that's all I need to it again.

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