Kids loved the giant display items - Nutcracker Santa Snowman the candy cane was their favourite Lovely owners we out the front allowing some passers by access into their property for photos and to talk about their display very friendly people - amazing home that they said they will be adding more items every year Well done
Best in the area my little kids loved the giant snowman giant nutcracker - owners of the property were out the front greeting passers driving by and allowed us to enter their property to get photos with the kids in front of the displays - lovely people too
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Naomi Matumbo 24-12-22
Kids loved the giant display items - Nutcracker Santa Snowman the candy cane was their favourite Lovely owners we out the front allowing some passers by access into their property for photos and to talk about their display very friendly people - amazing home that they said they will be adding more items every year Well done
Naomi Matumbo 24-12-22
Best in the area my little kids loved the giant snowman giant nutcracker - owners of the property were out the front greeting passers driving by and allowed us to enter their property to get photos with the kids in front of the displays - lovely people too