Santa waving, the grinch, elves climbing the chimney, snow, lights of course, a snow man, reindeers, a kangaroo, stars, nativity scene, trees, candy canes, bells, Soldiers, mother clause, koala, lanterns, a few other decorations including a massive train that was hand made by the owner with a little help from her nieces and granddaughter. A new reindeer in the front door as well as some new elves Display gets turned off around 11:30 Monday-Thursday while Friday-Sunday are left on till 12:30/1am. December 23rd- 26th they’ll be left on 12:30/1am or until there’s no cars outside
Santa waving, the grinch, elves climbing the chimney, snow, lights of course, a snow man, reindeers, a kangaroo, stars, nativity scene, trees, candy canes, bells, Soldiers, mother clause, koala, lanterns, a few other decorations including a massive train that was hand made by the owner with a little help from her nieces and granddaughter. A new reindeer in the front door as well as some new elves Display gets turned off around 11:30 Monday-Thursday while Friday-Sunday are left on till 12:30/1am. December 23rd- 26th they’ll be left on 12:30/1am or until there’s no cars outside
Comments (79)
Rumi Tamakhu 26-12-24
Very attractive lighting and decorative
Gayas Christopher 26-12-24
Krishna Upreti 26-12-24
Very excellent decoration love it
Bhushan Suwal 25-12-24
Very attractive and nice decoration